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Rolls-Royce: the cars

By Admin / Published on Friday, 11 Sep 2020 10:12 AM / Comments Off on Rolls-Royce: the cars

Adored by American rap-artists and English gentlemen alike, the Phantom – first produced in 1925 and still going strong – is one of the most sought-after luxury vehicles in the world. Indeed, so strong is its unique appeal, American car giant Chrysler decided to manufacturer a more affordable imitation of the 2003 Phantom: the 300. And the two cars do look vaguely similar – that is, until you see one next to the other, at which point the little differences become glaringly apparent.

Between 1906 and 1926, Rolls-Royce manufactured 7,874 units of a very special car named the 40/50, or Silver Ghost. In 1907, the Silver Ghost was named ‘best car in the world’ by the prestigious Autocar publication and it’s not hard to see why. The Ghost is a work of art and its engineering has stood the test of time; indeed, many of these elegant vehicles remain in perfect working condition today.

Finally, the Rolls with the highest production volume was the Silver Shadow – or Silver Wraith II –which was produced from 1965 to 1980. The Shadow boasted a 6.2 L V8 engine which produced 172 HP and a 6.75L V8 engine that produced 189 HP, respectively.

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